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Official CBK New Bulletin

7/1/2016-A website bug that sometimes prevented users from clicking on certain selections in the menu bar has been fixed.

7/1/2016-Two new accounts have been made for CBK: a Twitter and a Skype! Twitter will be used for article notifications while Skype can be used for advice and lessons from CBK experts (if you have a CBK account)

7/1/2016-The forums, community chat and moderator chat have all been consolidated into one selection in the menu bar titled "discussions." The main discussions page will serve as an introduction page whereas the forums and chats can be accessed via a submenu attached to the main "discussions" menu bar selection.

7/5/2016-A new section titled "Chess Trivia" can be found as a submenu under the "Articles" category in the menu bar. Here, we have seven trvia facts that you can learn about and replace them every now and then, so check back whenever you can!

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