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From strategies, opeings, checkmates and more, use our professionally-written chess articles to help get your game on! Our articles aim to provide you with the best chess content/material. if you would like to suggest an edit to an article, please go to the homepage of the website and suggest an edit via the hyperlink at the bottom of the page. You may also submit your own chess article (if you are a member) which will be cross checked by our editors and posted on the website with credit to you. You may click the "contribute articles" submenu from the "articles" selection in the bar menu above to create an article. We hope we can help!


We also happen to have a "Chess Trivia" section under the submenu or "Articles" in the menu bar. Here, you can learn seven facts about chess that are replaced every now and then, so check back frequently! All in all, we hope you enjoy our content!

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